Christa Healing Method

Christa Healing frees you of all energies that are holding you stuck and preventing you from creating positive changes to your health, relationships, lifestyle and career.

The Christa Healing Method ® frees you of all energies that are holding you stuck and preventing you from creating positive changes to your health, relationships, lifestyle and career. This profoundly effective method of healing uses specific Spiritual healing frequencies and sacred sounds to release and realign the energy system at the core level causing vibrational changes that work through each of the bodies and result in physical cellular change enhancing the body/mind’s ability to self-heal.Christa Healing is a unique, powerful and effective method of releasing blockages in the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energy bodies. These blocks hold us back from achieving success, happiness, love, health and abundant flow in all areas of our life.

As we are freed of the energy of abuse, powerlessness, fear, trauma, unworthiness, and so on, the mind and the emotional understanding can rise to a new level.As the body becomes more and more refined, it becomes purer and clearer and is in greater alignment with your spirit. When we are strongly connected to our “true selves” and flowing with our life’s purpose, we are radiant, joyous and prosperous.

This profound healing method identifies the patterns that are causing imbalance and effectively releases them at the core level. Once the lower frequencies are removed, the natural state of health, self-confidence and inner harmony returns. Lower emotions such as fear, doubt and anger block or break our circuits, constricting the flow of our energy; love enhances our energy circuits and amplifies them, leading us to heightened states and elevated experiences.
Christa Healing effectively removes the subconscious and hidden influences that negatively affect you and inhibit your ability to powerfully move forward in your spiritual development and healing process. As you become more aligned with your True Nature, which is Love, you will also re-connect to more of your multidimensional selves and realize greater and greater levels of enlightenment and personal power.

During a Healing session you may release:

These cordings are similar to long tubes that connect your energy field to the other person’s energy field. Through these cordings the other person’s energy, thoughts, desires, beliefs, limitations, distortions etc. can enter into you.

Often, you are not even aware that the thoughts or impulses you are feeling are not your own. Conversely, through these cordings your energy and thoughts and desires enter this person.Cutting these energetic cordings and removing the root system that held them within you allows both parties to be free of adverse influences from each other.

All cordings are created as an attempt to “hold” onto others out of fear and confusion. True loving relationships are enhanced when these old ties are released, and of course this also greatly assists getting over old relationships to made room for new healthier relationships in our lives
Aspects of other people can be held within our energy system. Sometimes we will take on a difficult aspect from a loved in an attempt to assist them to move forward. Other times a vulnerability within our make up or belief system makes us think it is our job to “care take” others at our own expense. During a Christa Healing we release all these energies and send them back to their rightful place.
This term is used for lower frequency astral beings that are not very evolved and feed off of lower nature desires and energies. For example, if people have had chemical dependency problems, these lower beings will attach to their energy field and “feed” off of them whenever they are under the influence.

When one is ready to claim back their personal power and be freed from the addiction, it is greatly assisting to remove these beings that have a vested interest in holding you in these old patterns of self-abuse. All entities can be easily and effectively removed from your energy field.
Trauma and emotional distress are lower frequencies that tend to draw more of the same to us, holding us in these patterns. Even if we have mentally and emotionally moved past these experiences, the energy of the impressions of these experiences needs to be released so that we can confidently draw in happier and healthier situations.
Some behaviors are so ingrained within us that there are actual imprints that our energy follows. No matter how much we “think” our way past these adverse ways of acting and being, our mental energy continues to flow into these old imprints and we end up back in the same behavior.
If we have held a particular belief of limitation for a long period, it also forms an energetic pattern, like a grid-work in the mental body that does not allow us to flow with positive change. These limiting belief systems can be separated out of the energy body and released from your energy field.

The Bengston Method™

Rapid Image Cycling is a way for your brain to take conscious control of the images it is focusing on. Since it is no surprise (and science is now backing this up) that your mind can actually impact the physical world with thought.

This technique requires a simple writing exercise first in which you make a list of 20 things you want. Then you are guided in a specific way to powerfully create an image relating to what you want. Next, you memorize the list so that each image can be called up rapidly– like you are flipping pages of flip-book. Then you are taught how to cycle through these images mentally and told how often to do this. This sounds pretty basic, but it is worth noting that there are some specifics in the process that are important for it to be effective.

Dr. Bengston’s healing research produced the first successful full cures of transplanted mammary cancer and methylcholanthrene induced sarcomas in experimental mice by laying-on-of-hands techniques that he helped to develop. His data indicates that mice once cured are cured for life, and are immune to further injections of the cancer. Further, transplanting a piece of tumor that is in the process of remitting into a fully infected mouse will cure that mouse. This strongly suggests that there is some immunological process involved with the effect of hands-on laying-on-of-hands techniques that he helped to develop. His data indicates that mice once cured are cured for life, and are immune to further injections of the cancer. Further, transplanting a piece of tumor that is in the process of remitting into a fully infected mouse will cure that mouse. This strongly suggests that there is some immunological process involved with the effect of hands-on healing.As the body becomes more and more refined, it becomes purer and clearer and is in greater alignment with your spirit. When we are strongly connected to our “true selves” and flowing with our life’s purpose, we are radiant, joyous and prosperous. This profound healing method identifies the patterns that are causing imbalance and effectively releases them at the core level. Once the lower frequencies are removed, the natural state of health, self-confidence and inner harmony returns. Lower emotions such as fear, doubt and anger block or break our circuits, constricting the flow of our energy; love enhances our energy circuits and amplifies them, leading us to heightened states and elevated experiences. Christa Healing effectively removes the subconscious and hidden influences that negatively affect you and inhibit your ability to powerfully move forward in your spiritual development and healing process. As you become more aligned with your True Nature, which is Love, you will also re-connect to more of your multidimensional selves and realize greater and greater levels of enlightenment and personal power.
Dr. William Bengston has demonstrated time and again that hands-on healing works, even on some conditions that have no conventional treatment. The Bengston Energy Healing Method in human beings suggest healing support for a wide range of health challenges, including cancer, allergies, asthma, cysts, acute injuries, some neurological conditions, and more.

    In this session you will learn to image cycle for healing and deep manifesting, at the same time I will be image cycling for hands on healing.

  • Image Cycling – stage 1
  • Image Cycling – stage 2
  • Enhanced image cycling
  • Exercises in “hyper” cycling
  • Combining hands on healing with enhanced image cycling
  • Distance healing

*Image Cycling sessions are $185.00 for the first initial session. And thereafter $600.00 for a package of 4 pre-paid sessions.Dr. William Bengston has demonstrated time and again that hands-on healing works, even on some conditions that have no conventional treatment.The Bengston Energy Healing Method in human beings suggest healing support for a wide range of health challenges, including cancer, allergies, asthma, cysts, acute injuries, some neurological conditions, and more.

Soul Focused Healing

Soul Focused Healing is a very precise and scientific anatomical system of healing that works through the 7 Chakra’s of the body and the 5 Chakra’s of the Soul

Chakra’s are energy centers that link the physical body with the Soul and regulate prana or life force flowing in to one’s organs, glands and systems of the body and brain. When this life force is diminished through wounds stress or trauma disease and disharmony are reflected in the body, mind, heart and Soul. SFH is a scientific system of Energy Medicine that works through the chakra system. This system interconnects the anatomy of the physical body with its reflection in the energy field, also called the aura or the electromagnetic field of the body.This system is a preventative system of healing that also assists to repair and restore the natural vitality and functions of the organs, glands, and systems of the body. It also releases old emotional and mental patterns and blocked energy that are at the core of dis-ease and dis-harmony in the body, mind, heart, and soul

When the energy body or Aura is clear and balanced it allows the innate intelligence and the divine wisdom of the Soul to express itself freely through the personality and the physical body. This allows one to come into balance and harmony with one’s self, one’s environment, the Earth, the Universe and the Heart of God. The existence of the energy field and the chakras has been known and used for thousands of years in Egypt, India and China. It is only recently that the Western mind is beginning to understand its significance.

By the time a disease or physical aliment surfaces it has usually been cultivating in the energy field for quite some time. Just as blood is distributed in the body through the circulatory system, energy is distributed from the source of our being through the chakra system, thereby nourishing and sustaining the body. When this flow of energy becomes restricted or distorted it can be the root cause of patterns of disease and disharmony at all levels of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. This is seen in humanity today, in epidemic proportions, as disease in the body and mind as well as unrest in the heart and soul. Medicine as we know it has come a long way, yet has gotten caught in the trap of prescribing and experimenting with medications that have the ability to alter the natural design and chemistry of the body. While we know these drugs can act as miracles in some cases, they can also create additional imbalances in the body. They are being used far too often without looking at the root or causal level of the problem, therefore treating the symptom instead of the cause. Energy Medicine works directly with the innate intelligence of the body and soul to uncover the causal level of dis-ease and dis-harmony in the system. Energy Medicine accesses and works directly at the causal level to restore a greater sense of health and balance to the body, mind, heart and soul.

There is no question that there is much to be discovered, yet nearly always the true cause of disease can most often be found in the energy field. If we were to look from the soul level and treat at the root of the symptom held in the energy field at the early stages of a symptom, people would learn how to take responsibility for what is happening in their body and life. Taking responsibility allow us to be better equipped to correct the symptom or to stand up to whatever invasion or imbalance is happening in the system. The patient could then become an equal partner with their health care practitioner in assisting to eradicate the disease. People would have the opportunity to evolve beyond illness…by mastering it, rather than surrendering to it, or fighting it. Soul Focused Healing works with the individual and their relationship with themselves, with others, and their environment. It helps to clear the patterning and places of tension and restriction, both past and present, which may be holding the mind, body, heart, or soul in limitation.

As Energy Medicine is more widely understood it would work hand and hand with the medical community as a preventative treatment and diagnostic tool for healing the body and upliftment of the human spirit. Through the healing process we awaken the remembrance of our own soul aligned with God….Ushering in a new wave of spiritual and medical healing.
A Soul Focused Healing Practitioner is trained in the art of sensory perception through fine-tuning their awareness and the art of palpably sensing and understanding the energetic anatomy and physiology of the organs, glands, and systems of the body. The practitioner goes in like a cosmic electrician assisting to release blockages, rewire broken circuits, and restore the natural design of the human energy field. This healing system assists in reestablishing the natural vitality and design of the physical, emotional, and mental aspects of the body; allowing the light of the soul to flow through the perfected anatomical design from the Source of Being.

“All Disease is a result of inhibited Soul life.” Alice Bailey, Esoteric Healing

*The above information taken with permission from

Home and Business Clearings

The Energy Cleansing Process is an amazingly efficient process to energy cleanse an area (room, building, land, car, etc.).

    Are you experiencing any of the following?

  • Does your home or business “just not feel right”?
  • Do you feel sad, unhappy, sick or fearful when you enter?
  • Do objects move, disappear, or become misplaced?
  • Do you often wake up suddenly for no reason?

We will cleanse your entire property inside and out and help you with all present energies by eliminating, purifying, recharging and blessing your home or business. Not everyone who requests a cleansing has experienced negative energy. many customers cleanse their property regularly to maintain a happy and positive space.

Your home or business should be cleansed if you are moving, buying or selling. A property will have had many owners, guests and customers who leave behind their energies affecting your space. A clearing will bring you peace, happiness, beauty, joy and success. Whether you want to create and retain positive energy, eliminate unwanted energy, or have any questions, please give us a call so that we may help you.

Energy Cleansing Process:
The Energy Cleansing Process is an amazingly efficient process to energy cleanse an area (room, building, land, car, etc.). The reason it is so efficient and effective is due to working in co-operation with the energies of Nature and the Evolutionary Christ Light to release any stuck and dull energies.

Clearing sessions are $125.00 and $95.00 for continued monthly clearings.

Healing Touch

Healing Touch has attracted the attention of the National Institutes of Health. Studies funded by the NIH are looking at the effect of energy work on joint disorders, wrist fractures, cardiovascular health, cancer, wound healing, neonatal stress, pain, fibromyalgia and AIDS.

Healing Touch therapy is one of the fastest growing forms of Energy Medicine. It is a simple relaxation or energy balancing technique, a complementary therapy option that promotes relaxation and decreases anxiety and discomfort while promoting stress reduction, relaxation and pain control. It assists patients both in the hospital and in their continued recovery after leaving the hospital, as well as becoming an ongoing means of promoting wellness. In fact, because of the effects and overall benefits, some people have found that they might require less medication. Please note: all medication adjustments should be done under the supervision of your doctor.

Why Choose Healing Touch?

Healing Touch has attracted the attention of the National Institutes of Health. Studies funded by the NIH are looking at the effect of energy work on joint disorders, wrist fractures, cardiovascular health, cancer, wound healing, neonatal stress, pain, fibromyalgia and AIDS. Some studies have suggested positive effects on various orthopedic conditions, including fractures, arthritis and injuries to the muscle and connective tissue.

Healing Touch is being used in hospitals, as well as other health care facilities around the world, and Healing Touch classes and sessions are often offered in hospitals. Patients in the hospital setting experience many stressors (e.g. anxiety, pain, sleeplessness, nausea, fatigue, etc.) that can undermine the function of the immune system and interfere with healing. They are asking for Healing Touch as a healing option. Cancer patients claim that Healing Touch has helped with pain management, relaxation, and side effects of treatment like nausea and stomach upset.

Doctors have been known to tell their patients that are receiving Healing Touch to continue sessions since they see the ongoing benefits of it. Interestingly, there are many doctors that have taken Healing Touch classes, and many RN’s are Healing Touch practitioners as well. Healing Touch has been found to be beneficial in every aspect of healing: this includes physical, psychological, emotional, as well as spiritual benefits, so the possibilities of using Healing Touch within these settings are limitless. Please contact me to find out how I can help you regain the heart centered balance in your life.

Pet and Animal Healing

Recognized by the National Institute of Health (NIH) relies on energy and intention. Healing Touch for Animals® (HTA) is a holistic energy therapy that stabilizes your animal’s emotional, instinctual, spiritual and physically

Healing Touch for Animals® / Komitor Healing Method (HTA/KHM)

Recognized by the National Institute of Health (NIH) relies on energy and intention. Healing Touch for Animals® (HTA) is a holistic energy therapy that stabilizes your animal’s emotional, instinctual, spiritual and physically to restore the harmony, energy, and balance within the animals energy system to maintain and recover health and well-being of your pet.

Physiological Response of Healing Touch for Animals

Energy-medicine treatment (bio-field therapy) initiates relaxation to the body. The relaxation response releases endorphins in the brain. The endorphins relax the muscles. Relaxed muscles create more space between cells providing increased circulation. The increased blood flow elevates oxygen levels throughout the body. Accelerated blood flow allows nutrients to be absorbed more efficiently. Enzymes build for proper digestion. Hormones regulate to strengthen the body’s constitution. Toxins release from the body. Healthy cells begin to regenerate. A sense of well-being is established which promotes healing. When the body has a stable physiology, the immune system is regulated. The resulting stability within the immune system affects the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual facets of the body’s energy-field supporting self-healing.

What is the difference between Healing Touch for Animals® (HTA) and Reiki?

Healing Touch for Animals® (HTA) and Reiki are based on energy medicine and are used for healing. If you want to practice Reiki on animals, you have to be “attuned” by a Reiki Master. Reiki as with HTA, balances the whole body. HTA offers numerous techniques to solve specific problems for this specific animal applications whereas Reiki offers more generalized balancing of the body.

Also, a combination of Christa Healing, Pet Healing Energy Templates, Soul Focused Healing for Organs and Miracle Healing Fiber is used for distance healings. A 5 step process.

Healing Cotton

Healing Cotton

Healing Cotton is a special treatment made from 100% natural material. With special cycling, the purest and highest God Consciousness Energies are powered into the Healing Cotton using a focused charging method. Healing Cotton successfully rids (and aids in healing) all kinds of pain in all parts of the body. You may just wish that you could wrap your whole body in it once you experience the immediate soothing comfort that is activated once placed on the body. Healing Cotton has been proven to aid in healing and immunization against Cancer (when used along with Energy Healing called Image Cycling). Healing Cotton plus Image Cycling even helps dramatically with Depression!


Placing Healing Cotton on the body activates the fiber to release the healing energy into the body. At the same time the body’s negative energies are being absorbed into the Healing Cotton, so it is very important to dispose of it after 7 days of activation and use a new piece of the healing fiber.

If you have any questions, please contact Kaylene here, or call her at 303-898-3305.

Examples of the Power of Healing Cotton

  • Tumors
  • Chronic Headaches / Migraines
  • Sprains
  • Sinus Problems / Allergies
  • Nausea
  • Tight Muscles and Tendons
  • The list could go on – Healing Cotton heals many other ailments as well.

© 2016 Kaylene Willoughby. All rights reserved.